<span class="vcard">abbas</span>

Customary dispute resolution as a form of mitigation in Palestinian courts

The latest issue of The Barrister, Journal of the Swedish Bar Association, features an article by Dr Björn Brenner about the practices of informal justice-making in Palestine and how they are linked to the formal judicial system. Read the article in full here ‘Arabisk sedvanerätt i Palestina: Sulha som förmildrande omständighet’, Advokaten, 82, No. 6, 2016. Summary Read More

Women’s Boat to Gaza and the association’s reluctance to criticise Hamas

Op-ed by Björn Brenner in the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet about some of the several problematic aspects of the Ship to Gaza initiative. Below is a summary of the main points of the article: Considering the current anti-Swedish sentiments in Israel, it is particularly problematic when Swedish political representatives choose to take part in activism Read More

What is the nature of Hamas’s relations with the Muslim Brotherhood?

ARTICLE BY BJÖRN BRENNER Hamas has often been described as the Palestinian chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. This picture fits quite well with what the relationship between these two groups looked like in the 1980s, some thirty years ago. However, since then, their relationship has changed fundamentally. Today, almost nothing remains of these originally tight Read More

Commentary on upcoming Palestinian local elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

In i24 News current affairs show The Daily Beat, Dr Björn Brenner discusses the possible outcomes of the upcoming Palestinian local elections and the likely external implications they will have. Watch the interview in full here (in English) On 8 October 2016 local elections will be held across the Palestinian territories, including the Gaza Strip. Read More

Participation in Sweden’s annual democracy week Almedalen

SEMINARS WITH BJÖRN BRENNER during Sweden’s annual democracy week Almedalen 2017. This year, Björn Brenner focused on the social situation in Jordan and criticised the country’s poor educational system. Brenner warned that the Jordanian youth lack sufficient tools to be able to think critically and resist recruitment efforts by violent extremists such as Daesh: “Jordanian Read More