An international jury of social scientists and political experts has chosen Björn Brenner’s GAZA UNDER HAMAS (I.B. Tauris, 2017) as the winner of this year’s Palestine Book Awards.
Björn’s book won in the category Best academic book of the year. The award was shared with Laura Parsons for her book The Commander (Saqi Books, 2017).
The award was presented to the author by Prof Karma Nabulsi of Oxford University. In her speech, Prof Nabulsi commended Björn for his incisive and strictly scientific analysis of an otherwise much politicised issue.
PRESS RELEASE – Internationellt pris till Mellanösternforskare (in Swedish)
Palestine Book Awards 2017: Winners announced
Read an excerpt from GAZA UNDER HAMAS
Blurb and endorsements by leading scholars of the field
Recent reviews of GAZA UNDER HAMAS in international media: